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EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions / RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction
In This Topic
    In This Topic
     Register/Unregister a custom editor dialog for a property id
     or identifying name of a user-defined property.
     You can replace the behavior from all properties in a
     property grid. if you edit a property in a property grid you
     get a hotspot button instead the default control type. If you
     click on the hot-spot button the given action will be started
     and you can modified the displayed value in a own dialog with
     the given calling context.

    Parameter Description
    property id
    property index
    Identifying name of the user-defined property
    this action will be called for editing the specified property
    "true" (1): edit inside of the hotspot cell allowed
     "true" (1): register this action.
     "false" (0): unregister this action.

     Calling context of the registered Action are:
     * Parameters *
     PropertyId           Property Id
     PropertyIndex        Property Index
     PropertyIdentName    Identifying name of user-defined property
     DbObjectId           object id from the first datamodel
     Value                displayed string or multilanguage string
     * Return values *
     DialogModalResult   1 for OK
     DialogModified      1 (True) for modified
     Value               new display value or new multilanguage string

           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:True /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyId:40001 /PropertyIndex:0 /Editable:False
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:True /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyId:40002 /PropertyIndex:0 /Editable:True
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:1 /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyId:20901 /PropertyIndex:1 /Editable:0
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:1 /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyId:20901 /PropertyIndex:2 /Editable:1
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:1 /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyIdentName:EPLAN.Page.UserSupplementaryField1 /Editable:0
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:1 /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyIdentName:EPLAN.Page.UserSupplementaryField2 /Editable:1
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:False /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyId:40001 /PropertyIndex:0
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:0 /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyId:40002 /PropertyIndex:0
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:False /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyId:20901 /PropertyIndex:1
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:0 /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyId:20901 /PropertyIndex:2
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:False /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyIdentName:EPLAN.Page.UserSupplementaryField1
           RegisterCustomPropertyEditorAction /Register:0 /Action:WPF_Demo_Custom_Editor /PropertyIdentName:EPLAN.Page.UserSupplementaryField2